Our strategy for building products

Valentina Djordjevic | 25. 05. 2021.

When we started building our product, we focused on the Recommender engine and Segmentation. As a startup, we embraced agility and focus on the market. At the beginning of 2020, we decided that our product must become a reflection of our team. Then we said it must be a “no bullshit” product, agile or, in terms – modular. Third, it must be API first, AI-powered and focused. We used COVID19 situation to push changes and to prepare for the new world.

Modularity as strategy

We decided that our product is a suite of micro products which clients can combine. That gives us the flexibility to serve multiple industries but also to optimize OPEX and CAPEX investments of our clients. We’ve enabled our clients to start small and build big. For example, you can start with data collection and standardization, and later you can add a recommendation engine to get a more significant revenue increase. The key is to provide a modular ecosystem. We recently became members of the ASEE group, so imagine which ecosystem we can offer now. For example, we can provide payment for eCommerce, but also checkout analysis or upsell on checkout. If we are talking about banking, imagine a fully personalized mobile app with smart push notifications and offering. 

Is Solver AI Suite CRM, CDP, DMP, or Personalization Engine?

The correct answer is none of these. We do not offer CRM, we are providing Customer Data Platform (CDP) and Data Management Platform (DMP) components, but the client can choose what it will be. We definitely have a proposition for Personalization Engine, but we have a lot more. We can declare more as the ecosystem of apps that act as lego bricks, and you can build whatever you need. One of the beauties of embracing agility and modularity as a product feature. In the end, we offer all of this, but when you need it

Ecosystem as the next step

We believe that we’ve come to an end of big monolith CRMs or Campaigning tools. Look at the Apple App Store, or our competition. Salesforce, for example, is focused on the ecosystem of apps, but we provide completely different user experience. And yes, our REST API enables the flexibility to integrate whatever you need, or build your products on top. We can even power our competition tools, if that makes our clients’ life easier. Notice how open source is changing the world and pushing openness and flexibility. 

We separate platform blocks and application blocks to set up the ground for modularity.

Solver AI suite is evolving fast, we have more and more features in place. To solve product complexity, we decided to develop in two streams. First, the platform things. Engines and APIs that power our applications enable our teams to have the foundation and focus on business features. The platform is open for our clients to focus on business and not on operations. The second stream is business block development, which has to be simple and stupid – meaning having clear inputs and outputs. This is the crucial thing for meeting the strategy of modularity.

What building blocks provide to our customers 

  • Profile Studio, perform “customer by customer” analysis  in one place and offer full personalization on your channels.
  • Audience Studio creates groups by manual rules or by AI-based models. Results can be the input for targeting or serve for gaining deeper insights.  
  • Customer Journey Studio detects common flows of how your customers interact with you. Based on that, you can plan better. 
  • Smart Segmentation Studio, reporting on top of ML-based segmentations.
  • Campaign Studio, manage your campaigns in five steps.  
  • Creative Studio, build templates for your emails and messages. 
  • Marketing Automation Studio defines automated actions based on customer behaviour.
  • Forecast Studio, imagine upload, select, and forecast. That is our promise. 
  • Channels Engine, we provide all common channels in a way that empowers stability and reliability. 
  • Search Engine, flexible search for your e-commerce platform, or documents. Text or images – we support both.  
  • Pixel Engine collects raw data from your web channels (no 3rd party cookies). Use this data for reporting or feed AI models for better precision. 
  • Identity Resolution Engine, connect your customer to one ID, no matter the channel or situation. 
  • Virtual Buyer Studio, analyze transactions with no customer ID and get buying personas. 
  • AI studio, manage your AI/ML models. 
  • Query Studio, make SQL queries on top of Solver Data Lake. 
  • Widget Catalog, we design and prepare, you only combine. 

These are only some of them, and more are yet to come.

Bundle of products as a personalized client solution.

We decided to make some bundles, which can be used as  a recommendation and not a rule. 

  • Solver Personalizer focused on customer unification, segmentation, personalization and insights. 
  • Solver Campaigning channels and rules to take action. 
  • Solver Atlas including security ops and scheduling in one platform. Foundation for modularity. 
  • Solver Data Lake focuses on all data, internal or external. Get lightweight Data Lake without millions of investments. 
  • Solver ML OPS, when many AI models become a problem, the same engines we use internally can be available. 

We will proceed with this strategy focusing on:

  • No Bullshit 
  • Modularity 
  • API first
  • AI-powered

If you want to have a demo and get more information, please drops a message at ai@thingsolver.com


Photo credits: https://unsplash.com/photos/fzOITuS1DIQ