10 Tips for a more effective personalized Viber campaign

Personaliyed Viber Campaign

We live in a world of personalization where having a proper communication platform to deliver engaging and relevant messages to customers is paramount. 

Companies across the globe are fighting for dominance in their industries and niches, so making sure to stand out from the crowd certainly goes a long way in attracting and retaining customers. And now more than ever, they are relying on channels such as email marketing or personalized messaging campaigns via Viber.  

Now, since Viber numbers more than 1 billion users across 190 countries worldwide – this might not be such a bad channel for product marketing, right? 

Why not try to reach your customers where they already spend a lot of time and make sure you promote your product or service in a way that can genuinely make a difference? 

To help you do that, we’ve written this blog post. Read on as we go over some actionable tips for crafting more effective personalized Viber campaigns. 

#1 Understand your target audience

Understanding your target audience is a crucial step in more or less everything that you do. 

To do this, you’ll probably have to dive deep and conduct thorough market research. This will allow you to:

  • Gather valuable insights about your customers, competitors, and the latest industry trends. 
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the landscape in which you operate and identify opportunities to stand out.

Once you do this, you have two additional steps:

  • Defining your Buyer Persona, and
  • Understanding how your customers behave on Viber.

Let’s see what this entails. 

Define your Buyer Persona 

Based on the data you collect through this market research, you can define your buyer persona/s. These are fictional representations of your ideal customers which encompass:

  • Demographic information,
  • Motivations,
  • Pain points,
  • Preferences, and 
  • Behaviors. 

From a business point of view, understanding your customers’ pain points and behaviors is crucial. 

Ultimately, creating detailed Buyer Personas can help you humanize your audience and tailor your Viber campaign to their specific needs and desires.

Understand how your customers behave on Viber

The next step is analyzing your customer’s preferences and behavior on Viber

Viber provides valuable insights into how your audience interacts with the platform, including their: 

  • Preferred content formats,
  • Engagement patterns, and 
  • Messaging habits. 

Studying and analyzing your customers’ behaviors within Viber will allow you to identify additional opportunities for personalization and customization. By leveraging these insights, you can create a more tailored and impactful Viber campaign that truly resonates with your audience.

#2 Set clear campaign goals and objectives

Knowing what your specific goals and objectives are before you start crafting the content of your next Viber campaign is essential. This refers to: 

  • Setting SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals. You don’t want to have vague and unclear goals like “I want to increase engagement on Viber”. Why not try with a SMART goal such as “I want to increase Viber engagement by 20% within three months”? 
  • Setting measurable KPIs that allow you to track and evaluate your progress: These KPIs can include metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, Viber message open rates, and customer retention rates. 
  • Aligning your campaign goals with your overall marketing strategy. Although Viber is just one channel within the larger marketing ecosystem, you should make sure all your personalized Viber campaigns are nicely integrated into your broader marketing initiatives to ensure consistency and coherence.

Making sure all these are in harmony, you can create a focused and cohesive personalized Viber campaign that drives concrete results and achieves your desired outcomes.

#3 Leverage Viber features for personalization

Viber offers a range of features that you can use to deliver personalized content and boost the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Leveraging Viber’s features for personalization is a powerful way to enhance engagement and create a more interactive and customized experience for your audience. 

  • For example, one way to personalize your Viber campaign is to use Viber’s interactive features, such as buttons and quick replies. These allow you to provide options and choices to your audience so they can engage with your content in a more active and tailored manner. 
  • Another great approach is to make use of Viber’s stickers and GIFs. These visual elements can give your campaign a touch of fun, emotion, and personality while capturing your audience’s attention and encouraging them to engage with your message. 
  • With the help of Viber’s Business Inbox, you can improve the way your brand interacts with your audience by separating business chats from personal ones and minimizing the spammy element of business messaging.
  • Finally, setting up Viber’s chatbots will allow you to provide instant responses to frequently asked questions, offer personalized recommendations, and engage in real-time conversations with your audience. 

Don’t forget to try these out the next time you’re thinking of ways to make your Viber campaign more interactive and engaging.  

#4 Craft engaging and relevant content

Personalization is all about delivering content your consumers can relate to. 

To capture your audience’s attention, drive meaningful engagement, and increase conversions, you have to be on top of your game content-wise. 

This means that your content should:

  • Be concise, clear, and persuasive, 
  • Deliver your message effectively, and 
  • Evoke an emotional response from your audience. 

This is where your Buyer Persona might come in handy — go over your ideal buyer traits to better understand their pain points. 

Once you do that, you can tailor your messaging to address their specific needs and desires, making it more relevant and compelling.

You should also tailor your messaging to reflect their language, values, interests, and aspirations – this can establish a deeper connection, foster engagement, and ultimately drive more conversions.

Your work doesn’t have to end here, though. Why not go a step further and incorporate visuals and multimedia elements to maximize the impact of your Viber campaign?

Think of eye-catching visuals that align with your brand and resonate with your audience, grab their attention, and convey important information in a more memorable way. These can include images, short videos, audio messages, and infographics. 

Before you start crafting your next Viber campaign, focus on these aspects and see how it goes! 

#5 Implement segmentation and targeting

Personalization means that you are able to create and deliver more targeted and specific messages to each customer. 

This is why it’s important to divide your audience into relevant segments based on common characteristics or behaviors. 

Here’s how to do it:

  • Step 1: Identify audience segments.
  • Step 2: Understand the unique needs, interests, and pain points of each segment. 
  • Step 3: Create tailored messages that speak directly to each segment. 

This level of personalization enhances engagement and increases the likelihood of driving desired actions from your Viber campaign recipients.

Viber’s targeting options, such as location, demographic, and user preference can refine your campaigns even further. But, what if we told you that you can have all these features in just one place and craft your Viber campaigns effortlessly? 

Sounds interesting? 

Let’s talk a little bit about Things Solver’s Campaigning Studio! 

#6 Use Solver’s Campaigning Studio for enhanced Viber marketing

An overview of Solver’s Campaigning Studio

In addition to allowing you to divide your audience into distinct segments based on various criteria, including demographics, behavior, or engagement levels, Solver’s Campaigning Studio also provides in-depth analytics and reporting features. 

Being able to monitor key metrics such as delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, will allow you to make data-driven decisions to optimize future campaigns for better results.

But wait, there’s more! 

If you’re really keen on revolutionizing your personalized marketing efforts, you should know that you can craft your next personalized Viber campaign in just 5 easy steps with the Campaigning Studio.

Here’s a rough breakdown of the entire process:

  1. Choose the type of your campaign (email, SMS, or Viber) and name it
  2. Choose your target group (either from the ones you previously created or create a new one)
  3. Create the content of your campaign by choosing personalized products, crafting unique content, and adding images
  4. Schedule your campaign by picking the dates
  5. Take a final look at your campaign and test it or send it immediately 

Let’s just quickly go back to the third step – the one that allows you to take Viber personalization to the next level. 

Solver Campaigning enables you to craft compelling Viber campaigns that resonate with each recipient and are most likely going to lead to conversion by offering them a personalized image, too. 

A personalized VIber message crafted with the help of Solver's Campaigning Studio

So, instead of just personalizing the name, you can also personalize the image and the content so that the customer is more inclined to make a purchase or complete a desired action. 

#7 Make sure your content matches the images

When running a personalized Viber campaign, you should make sure that your content and images align seamlessly. 

Although it might not seem that important, consistency between the text and the accompanying visuals can enhance the overall impact and effectiveness of your campaign. 

Can you imagine the following scenario? 

You send a personalized Viber message with an accompanying image. While the text recommends three different products to your customer, the image showcases only one. You mentioned a discount, too, but the customer doesn’t understand which product that refers to. After further thinking, the customer decides not to buy anything.  

When there is a mismatch between the number of products mentioned in the text and the number displayed in the image, it can lead to confusion and potential disengagement from your target audience.

Here’s where the use of AI systems could come in handy. 

For example, some NLP algorithms can be quite useful in generating personalized messages, especially once combined with other recommender models

Moreover, with Solver’s Campaigning Studio, you can generate content based on the user’s input and the AI recommendations which are designed to identify the most relevant and engaging content for each user. 

Thanks to this approach, you can come up with more personalized messages, offers, and product recommendations based on the user’s profile and historical data.

This enables you to create dynamic and tailored content for your Viber campaign at scale, saving time and effort while maintaining a high level of personalization. You just have to make sure your image reflects what’s in the text and you’re good to go! 

#8 Optimize your timing and frequency

Once you’ve finished personalizing your Viber campaigns, it’s time to optimize the timing and frequency of your messages. 

Firstly, analyze your audience’s behavior to determine the best time to send messages. You can identify the specific time slots when they are most active and likely to interact with your messages. 

While it’s important to reach your audience at the right time, it’s equally important to avoid spamming them with excessive messages. This can lead to fatigue and a negative perception of your brand. Instead, find the right balance and ensure that each message provides value and relevance to the recipient.

To fine-tune your timing and frequency strategy, you should conduct A/B tests by sending messages at different times and frequencies to segmented portions of your audience. 

You can conduct A/B testing in Solver’s Campaigning Studio

Analyze the results and gather insights to identify which timing and frequency combinations generate the highest engagement and conversion rates. 

The key here is to find the balance and deliver timely, valuable messages to your audience – this will contribute to building a positive brand perception and drive desired actions.

#9 Monitor and analyze your performance

You can’t make any progress and make data-driven decisions if you don’t monitor and analyze the performance of your Viber campaign. Don’t forget how useful AI systems can be in helping you better understand not only your performance but also your audience. 

So, to effectively do this step, you should focus on certain metrics and KPIs such as: 

  • Open rates, 
  • Click-through rates, 
  • Conversion rates, and 
  • Engagement rates. 

Regularly tracking these metrics can help you gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your Viber campaign and identify areas for improvement.

If you want to go a step further, you can use Solver’s Campaigning Studio to assess more metrics, such as the average basket size or the total basket value. 

You can monitor and analyze additional metrics in Solver’s Campaigning Studio

These can help you understand better your customers’ behavior in different stages of their purchase and understand where you can easily identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in your personalized Viber campaign. 

#10 Continuously test and improve

Finally, no matter what you do, you should always strive for improvement. And improvement comes with continuous testing and trying out different things.

By experimenting with different campaign variations, you can find ways for your personalized Viber messages to resonate better with your customers. These variations could be: 

  • Different messages, 
  • Diverse visual elements, or
  • Compelling CTA combinations. 

Experimenting with these and testing what combination drives higher engagement and conversions, can help you improve your overall personalized Viber marketing strategy. 

Whatever insight you have on the behavior and preferences of your customers, use them to come up with more engaging combinations and implement successful strategies. 

Final thoughts

As you probably already realize, the success of your personalized Viber campaign depends on several factors. 

Before you even start personalizing your messages on Viber, you simply have to understand who your customers are and how they behave within the app. Only then you can move on to setting clear campaign goals and crafting engaging content. 

Hopefully, the tips outlined here will help you further improve your personalized Viber campaigns and increase the chances of their success. 

Ready to take your personalized Viber marketing to the next level? With Solver’s Campaigning Studio, you can effortlessly create a personalized Viber campaign that drives meaningful results and achieve your marketing objectives sooner. Contact us at ai@thingsolver.com to try out our Campaigning Studio today!